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Sustainability benefits us all

We’re on a mission to keep you healthy. And a big part of that is keeping your environment healthy, too.

Positive change takes action

At Fitbit, climate and social responsibility are more than just talk. We’re working toward a sustainable future by focusing on three areas: rethinking consumption, value chain responsibility and a lower-impact production process.



Rethinking Consumption

We’re changing the way we design and engineer our products to reduce waste and reuse resources by:

  • Incorporating recycled and responsibly sourced materials
  • Eliminating single-use plastics
  • Improving product reparability and recyclability

    Value Chain Responsibility

    We take social and environmental considerations into account when forming and managing relationships with suppliers by:

    • Working to build a fully traceable value chain
    • Only working with suppliers committed to fair labor practices
    • Collaborating with industry stakeholders to be part of the solution

    Lower-Impact Production Process

    It’s pretty simple: By making our production process less wasteful and hazardous, there is less to clean up. We’re reducing our mess by:

    • Using safer chemistry
    • Using less fresh water
    • Switching to renewable energy sources and reducing energy consumption

    Wrist, reduce, recycle

    Recently upgraded your Fitbit? Use our recycling program to properly dispose of your old device.